Birdwatching is always a great hobby and watching them in their own moments is just a fun. Birds do communicate with each other. If you observe closely and patiently, perhaps you would get an idea what they are up to.

These are two Greater Cormorants seating on two different branches, looking at each other helplessly and want to talk. They seems to be expressing feeling and sharing sentiments for each other but can’t come close.

The Best Proposal Ever….

She proposed him to become a life partner

He agreed and they kissed

The Honeymoon Couple….

I Got the Feast of My Life…

You can watch Birds in their moments right from gathering nest material, picking up food grains, feeding the offspring, monitoring the young ones habits and many more. Watching Birds in flight with stunningly beautiful feathers spread across the wing span and capturing them in a camera is the most amazing piece of bird-watching.

Watching large birds capturing their prey is thrilling part of bird watching. Tearing apart the skin of a prey and the sound it makes, will perhaps give you a goosebumps.

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